Hello Troop 349!
Please join us for our next campout February 8-9 at Camp NoBeBoSco in Hardwick, NJ.
The troop will depart from U-Haul on Bellemeade Avenue, Smithtown at 7am on Saturday, February 8, and will return to Smithtown on Sunday, February 9 at approximately 12:00 pm. Bring sleeping bags, warm winter clothes for outdoor hiking including hat and gloves, bag lunch for Saturday, snacks, water in refillable bottle. (Nalgene 32oz)
Weekend activities will include: Hiking, Troop Cooking The cost is $45 per person. Please pay at an upcoming troop meeting, or Venmo Mrs. Weisberg @BSA349Smithtown (use code 3721) rmd.me/Ud.EJCnUEKS
Permanent link to this article: https://www.bsatroop349.net/new-message-from-m-wichtendahls-troop-349-class-94/
Hello Troop 349! Please join us for our next campout February 8-9 at Camp NoBeBoSco in Hardwick, NJ.
The troop will depart from U-Haul on Bellemeade Avenue, Smithtown at 7am on Saturday, February 8, and will return to Smithtown on Sunday, February 9 at approximately 12:00 pm. Bring sleeping bags, warm winter clothes for outdoor hiking including hat and gloves, bag lunch for Saturday, snacks, water in refillable bottle. (Nalgene 32oz)
Weekend activities will include: Hiking, Troop Cooking The cost is $45 per person. Please pay at an upcoming troop meeting, or Venmo Mrs. Weisberg @BSA349Smithtown (use code 3721) rmd.me/E3.gnsBvPo4
Permanent link to this article: https://www.bsatroop349.net/new-message-from-m-wichtendahls-troop-349-class-93/
Calling all Alumni! This Wednesday is the annual Alumni meeting and we will be hosting an ice cream social after. All former Scouts, Leaders, and everyone else are welcome!
We will be in the Commons Cafeteria at Smithtown High School East starting at 7:30pm.
Permanent link to this article: https://www.bsatroop349.net/new-message-from-m-wichtendahls-troop-349-class-92/
Hello Troop 349! I hope everyone had a great Christmas, and I wanted to remind everyone that the sign up for Glen Gray is available and is coming up quickly! Sign up now to get your spot for our next campout! rmd.me/hL.tMr1jqGN
Permanent link to this article: https://www.bsatroop349.net/new-message-from-shane-weisbergs-troop-349-class-31/
Hello Troop 349! @everyone
I hope everyone is enjoying the winter break! Before you know it we will be heading out for our January Campout!
This cabin campout will take place January 11-12 at Camp Glen Gray in Mahwah, NJ. Registered adults are needed for transportation and staying overnight.
The troop will depart U-Haul on Bellemeade Aveue, Smithtown at approximately 7:30am on Saturday, January 11, and will return to Smithtown on Sunday, January 12 at approximately 1:00 pm.
Bring sleeping bags, warm winter clothes for outdoor hiking including hat and gloves, bag lunch for Saturday, snacks, your mess kit and water in at least one refillable bottle. (Nalgene 32oz)
Weekend activities will include: Patrol Cooking Hiking
The cost is $35 per person. Please sign up with one form per person and pay at an upcoming troop meeting, or Venmo Mrs. Weisberg @BSA349Smithtown (use code 3721)
Permanent link to this article: https://www.bsatroop349.net/new-message-from-m-wichtendahls-troop-349-class-91/
Hello Troop 349!
It’s the Holiday Season but we are less than a month away from our January Campout!
This cabin campout will take place January 11-12 at Camp Glen Gray in Mahwah, NJ. Registered adults are needed for transportation and staying overnight.
The troop will depart U-Haul on Bellemeade Aveue, Smithtown at approximately 7:30am on Saturday, January 11, and will return to Smithtown on Sunday, January 12 at approximately 1:00 pm.
Bring sleeping bags, warm winter clothes for outdoor hiking including hat and gloves, bag lunch for Saturday, snacks, your mess kit and water in at least one refillable bottle. (Nalgene 32oz)
Weekend activities will include: Patrol Cooking Hiking
The cost is $35 per person. Please sign up with one form per person and pay at an upcoming troop meeting, or Venmo Mrs. Weisberg @BSA349Smithtown (use code 3721)
Permanent link to this article: https://www.bsatroop349.net/new-message-from-m-wichtendahls-troop-349-class-90/
Good evening 349! Tonight will be our John Theissen toy drive, please make sure any toys brought are here at 7:30 sharp, the people doing the toy drive will be out of the building after about 5 minutes so we want to be prompt with our delivery and we will be taking a picture with the people delivering the toys so make sure that tomorrow you are in class A!
Permanent link to this article: https://www.bsatroop349.net/new-message-from-shane-weisbergs-troop-349-class-30/
From SPL Weisberg:
Good evening 349!
Tomorrow will be our John Theissen toy drive. Please make sure any toys brought are here at 7:30 sharp, the people doing the toy drive will be out of the building after about 5 minutes so we want to be prompt with our delivery. We will be taking a picture with the people receiving the toys so make sure that tomorrow you are in class A!
Permanent link to this article: https://www.bsatroop349.net/new-message-from-m-wichtendahls-troop-349-class-89/
One more detail regarding the museum tour- we will be in Class A uniform tomorrow!
Thank you!
Permanent link to this article: https://www.bsatroop349.net/new-message-from-m-wichtendahls-troop-349-class-88/
Hello Troop 349!
On Saturday we will meet at the Michael Murphy Museum located at 50 West Avenue in Sayville. The tour will be guided by a Navy Seal and will begin at 10:30. Let’s plan to meet there no later than 10:15. rmd.me/DZ.C5jQMhH0
Wreath Fundraiser pickup will be Sunday morning from 11a-1pm at the Ramchand’s, 6 Radford Road in Lake Grove. The delivery truck will arrive at 10 so we are looking for some scouts to come at 10 to help unload the truck and organize the wreaths, plants, etc. Please and thank you, of course!
Permanent link to this article: https://www.bsatroop349.net/new-message-from-m-wichtendahls-troop-349-class-87/
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