A special breed, only 4% of all boys who join scouts attain the rank of Eagle Scout.
Troop 349 is proud to have helped all those listed here along their journey down the Eagle Trail:
Go to our Eagle Scout Project Map to see some great work that they have done!
1971: Steven D. Landau
1972: Martin S. Kluger
1976: Roger J. Burke
1980: Paul J. Knudsen
1983: Andrew R. Hermann
1983: George C. Rapp
1984: Anton Papp
1984: Paul M. O’Connor
1984: Brian P. Murphy
1984: William B. Rapp
1986: Joseph A. Napolitano
1986: Daniel Murphy
1987: James W. Copeland
1987: Robert E. Sauer
1988: Daniel J. Napolitano
1989: Matthew J. Murphy
1989: Stefan J. Brand
1989: Louis Pollizotto Jr.
1990: Phuong Hoang
1990: Jonathan A. Lane
1990: Michael Napolitano
1992: Troy R. Munson
1992: Peter Murphy
1993: Robert Stark
1994: Alexander Tafla
1995: Brent Whitney
1995: Mark Turschmann
1996: Stephen Fecteau
1996: James M. Bennett
1996: Daniel Fink
1996: Peter Liao
1997: Kenneth Stockmann
1999: Gary Pisano
1999: Jonathan Purnell
1999: Arthur J. Talboo III
1999: James Travis
2000: Paul-Eric Pizzuto
2000: Glen Stollberger
2000: Daniel Robinson
2000: Gregg Brewster
2000: Paul Ridulfo
2000: Robert Boccio
2001: Michael Larocco
2001: James Rengstl
2001: Michael Murphy
2001: Jasper Kassay
2002: David Travis
2002: Christopher Harford
2002: Jeffry Wagenhauser
2002: Phillip Dumbainski
2002: Patrick Groneman
2004: Matthew Laudicina
2004: Christopher Pedigo
2005: Thomas Schramm
2005: Eric Dumbainski
2005: Nicholas Kirnbauer
2006: Gregory Schmidt
2006: Andrew Gallagher
2006: Mark Bischoff
2006: Alex LaMalfa
2006: Danny Lindroth
2007: Kevin Perry
2009: Jeffrey Ryder
2009: Thomas Kirnbauer
2009: Patrick Bischoff
2009: Mathew Rapp
2010: Eric Berner
2010: William O’Brien
2010: Christopher Botto
2010: Michael Gargiulo
2010: Thomas Kotak
2010: Marek Jaworski
2011: Jon Haviland
2011: Matthew Reynolds
2011: Douglas Ryder
2011: Doug Botto
2011: Eric Damm
2011: Ian McCarthy
2012: Andrew Butler
2012: Andrew Pelis
2012: Matt Bracco
2012: Greg Kaplan
2012: Matt McGrath
2012: Joey LaFrancesca
2013: James Kotak
2013: Eric Rapp
2013: Spencer Locks
2013:Kevin Britch
2013:Louis Villacci
2014: Griffin Reynolds
2014: Eric Silverman
2014: Paul LaFrancesca
2014: William Sergio, Jr.
2014: Jared Butler
2014: Michael Gallagher
2015: Cameron Ulrich
2015: Colm McCarthy
2015: Daniel Pelis
2015: Ryan Johnston
2015: Alexander Wallace
2015 James Rubesh
2015: Justin Frielingsdorf
2016: Matthew Drago
2016: Tyler Ferrara
2016: Christopher Rinaldo
2016: Alexander M. Spear
2016: Vincent LaFrancesca
2017: Jacob Frielingsdorf
2017: Freddie Yopp
2017: Thomas J Vaughan
2017: Timothy Nagosky
2017: Adam Shank
2017: Jake Ferraro
2017: Joseph Johnston
2017: Matthew Villacci
2017: Matthew Dimino
2018: Jack Kelly
2018: Anthony Wagers
2018: Michael Bodor
2018:Tommy Mitchell
2018: Bill Vaughan
2019: Rocco Sergio
2019: Joseph Merlino
2019: Matthew Verrelli
2019: Kyle Sanger
2019: Matthew Yopp
2019: Anthony D’Amore
2019: Christopher Mitchell
2019: Matthew Pickow
2019: Christopher Caputo Jr
2019: Jack Dombkowski
2019: Patrick Grasing
2019: Tyler Hans
2019: Daniel Giglio
2020: Thomas Keenan Jr
2020: Matthew Rubesh
2020: Jack Drago
2020: Davis Kelly
2020: George Orr
2020: Tom Ehrhard
2020: Dan Alm
2020: Gregg Sanchez
2020: Ryan Grant
2020: Justin Wagers
2021: Mark Lipp
2021: Yash Merchant
2022: John Gemmel
2022: Zachary Wynne
2022: Kevin Zanfardino
2022: Andrew Pawlak
2022: Nicholas Conte
2022: Zachary Sanger