New message from Michael sanchez’s Troop 349 class

Tonight’s virtual meeting is on video games, it will be at 7pm with second class rank advancements after, please join us.
-Thank you Michael Sanchez

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New message from Mr. A. Bodor’s Troop 349 class

Hello Troop. Please see Facebook or your email for info on Chris S Star project. Thank you

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New message from Michael sanchez’s Troop 349 class

Tonight is the April fools meeting with max M and Tim S, we will be using a new meeting platform called Cisco. The meeting will start at 7pm, please join.
-Michael Sanchez

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New message from Michael sanchez’s Troop 349 class

Leadership meet tonight at 7pm, please join
-Michael sanchez

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New message from Michael sanchez’s Troop 349 class

You have one half hour left to vote for SPL, please do that now. It is on the troop Facebook.
-Michael Sanchez

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New message from Michael sanchez’s Troop 349 class

Here is the link for tonight’s meeting
-Michael Sanchez

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New message from Michael sanchez’s Troop 349 class

Virtual troop meeting tonight at 7pm. The link will be on the website and facebook, please be there. -Michael Sanchez

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New message from Mr. A. Bodor’s Troop 349 class

Hello Troop
Great campfire last night!!! I hope everyone enjoyed the time together.
Please remember to check on friends & neighbors during this time. Just a phone call or a wave can make a big difference to people in our community SPL elections til May 6. Please vote for next year’s SPL. Voting ends at the close of this week’s virtual troop meeting. Please see Facebook & email for more info
Mike E. Star project to collect gift cards to help LI Cares til May 10. Please see Facebook & email for more info
Virtual meeting this Wednesday at 7pm. Hope to see you there

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New message from Michael sanchez’s Troop 349 class

Here is the link for tonight’s campfire, we will start at 7:30
-Michael Sanchez

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New message from Michael sanchez’s Troop 349 class

Tonight is our virtual campfire at 7:30, please be ready with any songs or stories you want to share. We will be using GoToMeeting. Please contact me with any questions. -Michael Sanchez

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