Hello Troop 349, On March 28th, Suffolk County Council is holding a 5k race and Walkathon in memory of Andrew McMorris and to help raise funds to complete the new cabin that was built in his memory. Below is the flyer that provides some details on the event. At Wednesday’s meeting At Wednesday’s …
Category: SuffolkCountyBSA
Permanent link to this article: https://www.bsatroop349.net/andrew-mcmorris-memorial-5k-and-walkathon-fundraiser/
Mar 30 2017
Baiting Hollow Climbing Merit Badge Day – May 7th
Climbing Merit Badge Day Open to ALL Boy Scouts! Scouts who want to earn the climbing merit badge can join us on Sunday, May 7th, 2017 from 8:30am to 5:00pm at Baiting Hollow Scout Camp. The fee is $35 per scout. Register Today! Registration is limited to 32 scouts. Scouts who want to earn the climbing merit badge should have the …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.bsatroop349.net/baiting-hollow-climbing-merit-badge-day-may-7th/
Mar 05 2017
Scouting for Food – Collection & Distribution Day is Saturday, March 19
Scouting for Food – Collection & Distribution Day is Saturday, March 19 – Please provide the Reporting Flier to the Council Service Center for your Troop, Pack, Post, or Crew. Please note how many pounds of food collected… (we need poundage of food, not number of items), and the name of the food pantry/pantries receiving …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.bsatroop349.net/scouting-for-food-collection-distribution-day-is-saturday-march-19/
Oct 25 2016
Where to Go This Summer? Yawgoog, Philmont, or Jamboree?
Well, now that you are just getting settled into the School Year, it’s time to think about Summer!! (Wha??). That’s right, next Summer offers a whole host of activities that you can join. But before you “Pack up your Duffle”, you and your parents have some tough decisions to make. Some of your choices are: …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.bsatroop349.net/where-to-go-this-summer-yawgoog-philmont-or-jamboree/
Oct 14 2016
Merit Badge Program | Suffolk County Council
Suffolk County Council is excited to bring a year long merit badge program to the Boy Scouts. Through this program we will be partnering with various organizations and companies to offer unique merit badge opportunities. As information about the district summer merit badge programs become official in the spring we will have that information here …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.bsatroop349.net/merit-badge-program-suffolk-county-council/
Oct 09 2016
Catholic Religious Counselor Emblem Training 10-13-2016 | Suffolk County Council
For those of you who are interested, Suffolk County Council posted on their website that the Suffolk County Catholic Committee on Scouting is offering Religious Emblem Training on Thursday October 13th. Please see the link below: Suffolk County Council, BSA provides a comprehensive values-based program that develops character, teaches citizenship, and encourages personal fitness to …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.bsatroop349.net/catholic-religious-counselor-emblem-training-10-13-2016-suffolk-county-council/