Hello Troop
The wreath fundraiser order forms are due at this Wednesday’s meeting. Wednesday’s meeting. Please see Mrs Nagosky at the meeting. Remember the person who sells the most gets that great discount on the White Water trip in June 🙂
Troop registration money is due too. This year’s fee is $200 which includes a 50th anniversary Troop tee-shirt & new 349 patch for your uniform with the “50”. Please see Mr Merchant with your registartion money this week.
Turkeyfest is this weekend. If you have not signed up please go online & sign up or you can sign up at the meeting this week too. Payment is also due for this outing at this week’s meeting.
Thank you to all the scouts & adults who came to help out at the Veterans day flags and the color guard at Holy Cross for Veteran’s Day!
Scoutmaster Andy