We have another busy week ahead.
Saturday February 1, 10:00 to 1:00 Boards of review @ the Cleary school. Come
down if you need one.
Sunday February 2, 9:30 scout service @ Holy Cross RC Church, 95 Old Nichols
road Nesconset
Monday February 3, 7:30 leadership meeting. Great Hollow
Wednesday February 5, 7:30 troop meeting.
Saturday & Sunday February 8&9 Glen Gray Campout.
Friday February 14, 8:00pm scout sabbath @ Temple Beth Chai, 870 Townline Road
Hauppauge. (Note the date, Originally posted on the website incorrectly).
You can see we have a busy week ahead. Be safe have fun.
Yours in scouting,
Scoutmaster Sean
Our heritage, our code & standards – the things we live by & teach our children
– are preserved or diminished by how freely we exchange ideas & feelings. – Walt