Hello Troop 349,
I will be having my Service Project: CJ Caputo’s Life Project
Description: We will be running a recycle center at the Ronkonkoma Day Festival on September 3rd from 10-1. We will be collecting plastic, glass and aluminun bottles and cans to be dropped off at the yapank recycle center. Look for us under the blue 10×10 tent!
When: 9/3/2017
From: 10:00:00 AM – 1:00:00 PM
Place: Ronkonkoma Street Fair on Hawkins Ave and Portion Road Lake Ronkonkoma, NY
Link to Flyer: Attach Your Flyer: drive.google.com/file/d/0By6xYmDxFKtCSlB2VUZ1U0RwcGc/view?usp=drivesdk
Thank you.
CJ Caputo