Hello Troop 349!!!
Attached is a pdf to set up Remind Me. Remind Me is a way to improve communication through texting. How it works is some of the adults and I are the “teachers” and we can send out a text to anyone subscribed to this. If you need to reply to the text message it goes directly to the “teachers” so myself and any adult who is a “teacher”. However no reply is necessary and will not go to everyone. This is not a group text.
RemindMe Instructions for bsa349
How to set it up is really easy and its free. There are two ways and both are on the attachment. One is to actually download the Remind Me app, which is named Remind 101. Then you make an account, then go to “join class” and then put in the class code @bsa349. You should now be all set up.
The second way to join is to do it by texting. Text the number 81010, this is like a cell number, then in the message you enter the class code @bsa349. Hit send and then wait a second and you should get a reply text message that says you have joined the class.
We would like both the scouts and the parents to join the class so everyone gets all of the important communications from the troop. If you have any questions please text me at (631) 560-4170
Thank you
Tim Nagosky