New message from Prashant Merchant’s Troop 349 class

Pls come and help Owen for his Eagle Project at Smithtown Library

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New message from Prashant Merchant’s Troop 349 class

Pls come and help Owen for his Eagle Project at Smithtown Library

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New message from Daniel Keenan’s Troop 349 class

Good evening troop 349. Tomorrow is Owen Cozine’s Eagle Scout Project at the Smithtown Library (1N country road Smithtown) from 9 to 3. We will be building a post and rail fence and then staining it. Please bring a mask, a covid-19 form, and scout spirit.

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New message from Jim Lipp’s Troop 349 class

Tonight’s meeting will be at the Gazebo at the Nesconset Library/Old Armory. See everyone soon.

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New message from Daniel Keenan’s Troop 349 class

Tonight is a Class B meeting

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New message from Daniel Keenan’s Troop 349 class

Hello Troop 349, Please join us tonight at the armory from 6:00 to 7:15 for our weekly scout meeting, please bring your scoutbooks, masks, and COVID forms.

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New message from Prashant Merchant’s Troop 349 class

Thank you for all those how came to my project. The project got finished sooner than I expected. It was a great Success. -Yash

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New message from Daniel Keenan’s Troop 349 class

Please come and help me build and stain a fence at Smithtown library from 9a to 3p. Thank you – Yash

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New message from Prashant Merchant’s Troop 349 class

Pls come to help me build & stain a fence at Smithtown Library from 9a to 3p. Thank you – Yash

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New message from Jim Lipp’s Troop 349 class

Tonight’s meeting at the Armory will end at 7:15 due to darkness. We apologize for the short notice.

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