I expect to see all Eagle Candidates at tonight’s meeting to discuss procedures for completing the Eagle Scout process. This includes:
Tom Vaughan
Fred Yopp
Jake Frielingsdorf
Tim Nagosky
Joe Johnston
There have been numerous mistakes in completing the Eagle Process, most notablly Letters of Recommendation.
Scouts who are in the process of planning to start their pursuit of Eagle Scout are strongly encouraged to attend.
Mr. Pelis
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Sunday, December 04, 2016 5:16 PM
To: [email protected]; [email protected]
Subject: New Troop 349 post published Leadership Meeting Mon Dec 5 7:30pm @ Great Hollow MS
Hello BSA Troop 349,
We have published new blog in our website. Leadership Meeting Mon Dec 5 7:30pm @ Great Hollow MS
Hello all Leadership Scouts!!
This Monday there will be a Leadership Meeting at Great Hollow at 7:30 in the back cafeteria.
Thank you
You may view the latest post at https://www.bsatroop349.net/leadership-meeting-mon-dec-5-730pm-great-hollow-ms/
Thanks & Regards
Troop 349
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