I hope everyone is having a good holiday week.
Reminders: No Meeting tonight
Matt Pickow Eagle project fundraising car was Sat & Sun 4/27-28 see troop calendar
Gather all your clothes to be donated to the clothing fundraiser. The truck will be at the Sergios Sun 4/28 1 pm. Please help fill the truck again. We will need a few scouts to help with the loading from 12:30-1:30
Sign up online for the Camporee. This event only happens a few years at Southhaven Park. Lots to do & see!
Apr 24 2019
New message from Mr. A. Bodor’s Troop 349 class
Permanent link to this article: https://www.bsatroop349.net/new-message-from-mr-a-bodors-troop-349-class-47/