I’ve invited you to fill out a form: July 2018 Camp Yawgoog Troop 349 will depart from Orient Point on July 15th and head toward Camp Sandy Beach at the Yawgoog Scout Reservation. Returning to Orient Point on July 22nd after a week of fun and adventure. Camp Yawgoog is situated on 1,800 acres of beautiful wilderness in Rockville, Rhode Island.
The cost is $480 per Scout.
The payment schedule follows:
5/16 -Initial Deposit of $100 is due
6/13 -Final payment is dueScouts must submit their Merit Badge selection by Jun 13th to the SPL.
Other trip details will be provided at upcoming Troop meetings.
Fill out form
Create your own Google Form
May 15 2018
July 2018 Camp Yawgoog
Permanent link to this article: https://www.bsatroop349.net/july-2018-camp-yawgoog/