Category: RemindMe

New message from Jim Lasher’s Troop 349 class

Class A uniforms for tonight’s meeting at Great Hollow, 7:30-9. Bring final payments for wreath orders with the completed forms. We are also collecting for Turkeyfest and the $300 registration fee for 2023, due by the end of November. See you there!

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New message from Jim Lasher’s Troop 349 class

Shane Weisberg’s Eagle Scout project is today at Paws of War – Nesconset Plaza from 9am – 2pm. Your participation would be greatly appreciated. Please bring work gloves and scout spirit! Thank you!!

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New message from Jim Lasher’s Troop 349 class

Shane Weisberg’s Eagle Scout project will be tomorrow, Saturday, 10/29 at Paws of War – Nesconset Plaza from 9am – 2pm. Your participation would be greatly appreciated. Please bring work gloves and scout spirit! Thank you!!

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New message from Jim Lasher’s Troop 349 class

Of course I meant to say 7:30-9:00!!!

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New message from Jim Lasher’s Troop 349 class

Tonight’s meeting is our annual Halloween meeting. GHMS 8:30-9:00. Wear Class “H” —Halloween costumes.

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New message from Jim Lasher’s Troop 349 class

The trailer is in the Uhaul parking lot, please go there if you have anything in it that you need.

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New message from Jim Lasher’s Troop 349 class

Camping families, the trailer will be rolling in at about 1240. See you all then!

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New message from Jim Lasher’s Troop 349 class

This weekend’s campers—We will meet at the municipal parking lot across from the U-Haul on Bellemeade Ave in Smithtown at 7am on Saturday. The troop provides the tents and Saturday dinner/Sunday breakfast. Bring water and a bag lunch, maybe some snacks. Dress in warm layers, the night will be cold. Bring a wool hat and …

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New message from Jim Lasher’s Troop 349 class

Alex Gnoffo says his project was a success and thanks everyone who helped out today!

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New message from Jim Lasher’s Troop 349 class

Matt Lasher’s Eagle fundraising car wash is now starting at 112 Terry Road. (Mr. Rubesh’s office) Please bring some dirty cars and scout spirit!

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