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New message from P. Grasing’s Troop 349 class

The set up for the Eagle Court of Honor will be tonight at the Cleary School for the Deaf, from 5:00 to 7:00pm.

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New message from P. Grasing’s Troop 349 class

Scout attendance at the Court of Honor is mandatory.

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New message from P. Grasing’s Troop 349 class

The Eagle Court of Honor for Billy Vaughan and Matt Verrelli will be held this Saturday from 1pm to 4pm. Scouts line up at 12:30.

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New message from P. Grasing’s Troop 349 class

All meeti gs for tge rest of the year will be in Class B

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New message from Mr. A. Bodor’s Troop 349 class

Sign up for the White Water trip at tonight’s troop meeting (@ Smithtown East). The trip is 6/1-2. Looking forward to seeing you there.

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New message from P. Grasing’s Troop 349 class

We will be in the back gym of Great Hollow tonight.

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New message from P. Grasing’s Troop 349 class

Join us at Great Hollow from 7:30 to 9:00pm tonight to elect our next SPL. All scouts should attend so they can cast their vote.

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New message from P. Grasing’s Troop 349 class

Tonight’s leadership meeting will be held in the back cafeteria of Great Hollow from 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm.

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Eagle Court of Honor – May 18, 2019 Invite

Hello! You have been invited by Troop 349 Hospitality to sign up for “Eagle Court of Honor – May 18, 2019”. Please click on the button below to view the online sign up sheet. To sign up, go to: Eagle Court of Honor – May 18, 2019 : —————————————————- 13777 Ballantyne Corporate Pl, Suite …

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New message from P. Grasing’s Troop 349 class

Scouts will return to Jamess Cress around 10:30.

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