June 2020 archive

New message from Mr. A. Bodor’s Troop 349 class

Hi this is Juston Wagers, the project was a huge success and is almost done, I would like to thank everyone that came and helped as much as they could today

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bsatroop349.net/new-message-from-mr-a-bodors-troop-349-class-1051/

New message from Mr. A. Bodor’s Troop 349 class

Juston Wagers Eagle project at Sweetbrier Nature Center In Smithtown. Today 9-3. Please help him build an enclosure for their hawks. See troop calendar or troop facebook for more info. .Please bring your masks as well as gloves, rakes, shovels, goggles, & scout spirit! Thank you

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bsatroop349.net/new-message-from-mr-a-bodors-troop-349-class-1050/

New message from Michael sanchez’s Troop 349 class

Tonight’s meeting is the camping meeting, starting at 7pm. Please be there, link below. rmd.me/MkgqpP2qcnn -Michael Sanchez

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bsatroop349.net/new-message-from-michael-sanchezs-troop-349-class-1217/

New message from Michael sanchez’s Troop 349 class

Please sign up for the adventure park outing on 7/11 from 4-9pm, we will be announcing the new SPL and changing scoutmasters so please be there. It will also be an opportunity to hand in or complete any blue cards with Mr Keenan. If you are signing up please don’t forget to fill out the …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.bsatroop349.net/new-message-from-michael-sanchezs-troop-349-class-1216/

New message from Michael sanchez’s Troop 349 class

Saturday July 11 as a troop we will he going to the Long Island adventure park at 4pm. We will be announcing who won the SPL election and switching over scoutmasters. Please be there. You have to sign up prior in order to go, the sign up link is below and is due by Friday. …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.bsatroop349.net/new-message-from-michael-sanchezs-troop-349-class-1215/

New message from Michael sanchez’s Troop 349 class

Please join us for the how to run a meeting meeting at 7pm. The link is below, rmd.me/Pp50f5ywIc6 Thank you, Michael Sanchez

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bsatroop349.net/new-message-from-michael-sanchezs-troop-349-class-1214/

New message from Michael sanchez’s Troop 349 class

Please join us to put up and take down the flags tomorrow for flag day, the times are 8am and 5pm. We still have many spots left so please let me know if you can make it. This is the list so please tell me if I missed you or incorrectly put you on it, …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.bsatroop349.net/new-message-from-michael-sanchezs-troop-349-class-1213/

New message from Michael sanchez’s Troop 349 class

We will be doing the flags this Sunday for flag day, please let me know if you can go. Thank you. -Michael Sanchez

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bsatroop349.net/new-message-from-michael-sanchezs-troop-349-class-1212/

New message from Michael sanchez’s Troop 349 class

Please help us put up and take down the flags on Main Street, we will meeting at the storage facility at 8am and 5pm, we are only allowing 10 people at a time so please let me know if you are going, thank you. -Michael Sanchez

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bsatroop349.net/new-message-from-michael-sanchezs-troop-349-class-1211/

New message from Michael sanchez’s Troop 349 class

The scavenger hunt ends In 2 minutes, if completed please rejoin the meeting and remember the winner gets prize. Link below rmd.me/dVU6pGgNYkb -Michael Sanchez

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bsatroop349.net/new-message-from-michael-sanchezs-troop-349-class-1210/

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